
“CANSO plays a very important role as the voice of ANSPs at ICAO. Particularly at this time, with the anticipated emergence of new airspace users, application of new digital technologies and the industry’s drive to decarbonise, CANSO’s role has never been more important. I therefore welcome the prominence of CANSO’s ICAO engagement activities in the last year, both at a high-level and on technical matters.  The CANSO ICAO Affairs Working Group (IAWG), established last year to engage and inform members in the preparations for the ICAO 41st Assembly, proved highly effective at informing CANSO interventions across the commissions and committees of the Assembly.  I am looking forward to CANSO continuing to enhance its engagement with members to support effective influencing at ICAO.”

Peter Simonsson,
International Affairs Manager, NATS


Embracing Innovation

It was a very busy and interesting year for the CANSO Montreal office. 

As the year started, the aviation industry was still recovering from the COVID-19 Pandemic, ICAO was strengthening the work of the ICAO Council Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART) and Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA) while States and International Organisations were preparing material for the triennial 41st ICAO General Assembly.

CANSO was very active at the Assembly, presenting and co-sponsoring several Working Papers related to topics of interest of our members and intervening on several issues. 

CANSO, together with other international aviation organisations, reiterated our collective commitment to achieve the goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and worked to influence the High-Level Meeting and the Assembly to support an ICAO aspirational goal in line with this ambition. 

We also supported numerous efforts to ensure ICAO embraces innovation, adopts a more agile standards making process and leverages existing industry initiatives like the Complete Air Traffic System (CATS) Global Council’s Roadmap, led by CANSO with full support from the aviation industry.

As we look to the topics for the next triennium, it is clear there will be a growing focus on cyber security which will be one of the foundations to allow critical operational elements to be introduced in ATM. CANSO will be very active in all interactions in this area.

CANSO continues to serve as the collective voice of ATM at ICAO and is focussed on further enhancing our participation in order to support the important work on items relevant to our industry. 

Carlos Cirillo
Permanent Representative to ICAO and Head of Montreal Office


The President of ICAO Council Mr. Salvatore Sciacchitano spoke at the CANSO Executive Summit in March

CANSO joined the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) and is the only international aviation organisation with a seat at the RTCA Advisory Board. 

Simon Hocquard, Director General, CANSO, presented CATS Global Council Vision 2045 to the ICAO Air Navigation Commission (ANC). The ANC welcomed the information and invited CANSO to present a gap analysis between CATS and the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan.

CANSO Members were kept up to date with the Assembly’s activities through a weekly blog: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

The working paper from CANSO (WP356), Industry Roadmap for future skies, was well received and the actions proposed in the paper were accepted, ensuring ICAO attention on key items essential to the achievement of the CATS Global Council’s future sky vision. 

CANSO took an active role in the 41st ICAO Assembly. The main achievements of the Assembly were the establishment of a Long-Term Aspirational Goal (LTAG) for international aviation and a review of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), the ICAO offsetting programme that requires airlines to purchase carbon credits to offset growth in emissions.

CANSO joined two new relevant groups: Cybersecurity Panel (CySECP) and the Advanced Air Mobility Study Group. 

During an extra meeting of the ICAO Council in July, the Council discussed the final report of the investigation on the May 2021 incident in Belarus airspace involving Ryanair Flight FR4978. The report concluded that the Government of Belarus was guilty of transmitting a false bomb threat to the aircraft. A CANSO statement regarding the use of an ATCO by the government in committing this unlawful act was issued in July. 


“CANSO plays a very important role as the voice of ANSPs at ICAO. Particularly at this time, with the anticipated emergence of new airspace users, application of new digital technologies and the industry’s drive to decarbonise, CANSO’s role has never been more important. I therefore welcome the prominence of CANSO’s ICAO engagement activities in the last year, both at a high-level and on technical matters.  The CANSO ICAO Affairs Working Group (IAWG), established last year to engage and inform members in the preparations for the ICAO 41st Assembly, proved highly effective at informing CANSO interventions across the commissions and committees of the Assembly.  I am looking forward to CANSO continuing to enhance its engagement with members to support effective influencing at ICAO.”

Peter Simonsson,
International Affairs Manager, NATS

The President of ICAO Council Mr. Salvatore Sciacchitano spoke at the CANSO Executive Summit in March

CANSO joined the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) and is the only international aviation organisation with a seat at the RTCA Advisory Board. 

Simon Hocquard, Director General, CANSO, presented CATS Global Council Vision 2045 to the ICAO Air Navigation Commission (ANC). The ANC welcomed the information and invited CANSO to present a gap analysis between CATS and the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan.

CANSO Members were kept up to date with the Assembly’s activities through a weekly blog: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

The working paper from CANSO (WP356), Industry Roadmap for future skies, was well received and the actions proposed in the paper were accepted, ensuring ICAO attention on key items essential to the achievement of the CATS Global Council’s future sky vision. 

CANSO took an active role in the 41st ICAO Assembly. The main achievements of the Assembly were the establishment of a Long-Term Aspirational Goal (LTAG) for international aviation and a review of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), the ICAO offsetting programme that requires airlines to purchase carbon credits to offset growth in emissions.

CANSO joined two new relevant groups: Cybersecurity Panel (CySECP) and the Advanced Air Mobility Study Group. 


Embracing Innovation

It was a very busy and interesting year for the CANSO Montreal office. 

As the year started, the aviation industry was still recovering from the COVID-19 Pandemic, ICAO was strengthening the work of the ICAO Council Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART) and Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA) while States and International Organisations were preparing material for the triennial 41st ICAO General Assembly.

CANSO was very active at the Assembly, presenting and co-sponsoring several Working Papers related to topics of interest of our members and intervening on several issues. 

CANSO, together with other international aviation organisations, reiterated our collective commitment to achieve the goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and worked to influence the High-Level Meeting and the Assembly to support an ICAO aspirational goal in line with this ambition. 

We also supported numerous efforts to ensure ICAO embraces innovation, adopts a more agile standards making process and leverages existing industry initiatives like the Complete Air Traffic System (CATS) Global Council’s Roadmap, led by CANSO with full support from the aviation industry.

As we look to the topics for the next triennium, it is clear there will be a growing focus on cyber security which will be one of the foundations to allow critical operational elements to be introduced in ATM. CANSO will be very active in all interactions in this area.

CANSO continues to serve as the collective voice of ATM at ICAO and is focussed on further enhancing our participation in order to support the important work on items relevant to our industry. 

Carlos Cirillo
Permanent Representative to ICAO and Head of Montreal Office


During an extra meeting of the ICAO Council in July, the Council discussed the final report of the investigation on the May 2021 incident in Belarus airspace involving Ryanair Flight FR4978. The report concluded that the Government of Belarus was guilty of transmitting a false bomb threat to the aircraft. A CANSO statement regarding the use of an ATCO by the government in committing this unlawful act was issued in July.