A big rethink has started – new possibilities for the Asia Pacific 

A crisis can be a watershed for positive changes and Asia Pacific air navigation services can potentially be much stronger going forward. The rethinking has started. 

CANSO has partnered with THINK Research Ltd to identify more regional collaboration opportunities arising from greater digitalisation, leading to a White Paper at the end of 2023. There is room for more digital solutions and new business models in ATM as they can offer alternative pathways to modernisation. This is a great equaliser. 

Collaboration is a word that is sometimes overused. We know the benefits of working together but the serpent in aviation’s Garden of Eden always leads us back to fragmentation. However, digitalisation can open more collaboration opportunities as there are fewer boundaries in the digital space. We can build an interconnected digital network through the invisible curtains separating us. 

An example is how the region can evolve its current Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM)  multi-nodal collaborative approach. It currently requires each ANSP to acquire its own ATFM system. This is both costly and manpower intensive. Potentially, we can have ATFM solutions provided virtually by a technology company for multiple users through subscription. Virtual region-wide situational awareness is now possible.  

Shared services drive down costs and connectivity drives up value. Connected aviation is a regional public good. What is required is a mindset change. 

To compete for mindshare, CANSO has been active in its advocacy in various forums such as the ICAO DGCA Conference, G20 Aviation Conference, IFATCA Regional Conference, AirShow China. 

We are thankful for the leadership and brainstorming at the CANSO Asia Pacific Operations and Safety Workgroups. We will continue to provide value to members. 

Our community is growing. CANSO is proud to report that Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia has joined as a new member, and Fiji Airports has also re-joined. 

We behold a new sky. 

Soh Poh Theen
CANSO Director Asia Pacific Affairs


CANSO partnered with THINK Research Ltd to study new ANS collaboration opportunities in the Asia Pacific arising from greater digitalisation. The aim is to accelerate modernisation of ANS in the region. The end product will be a CANSO White Paper and outreach briefings. 

The CANSO Asia Pacific Conference 2022 was successfully held in Goa, India. The theme was "Think Global, Collaborate Regional, Accomplish Local". The event received strong support from the Indian government and the Airports Authority of India. There was also good attendance and participation. The Conference was planned for 150 persons but 170 attended.  

CANSO has been encouraging further enhancement to the ATFM approach in the region and organised a brainstorming session with AEROTHAI, Hong Kong CAD and CAAS to discuss the possibilities of upgrading the current multi-nodal collaborative ATFM.

CANSO Asia Pacific participated as a speaker in the G20 Aviation Conference in Bali, Indonesia, the Conference of Directors General Civil Aviation Conference (DGCA) in Seoul, South Korea, and the IFATCA Regional Conference.  

As the alphanumeric call sign is not widely used in the Asia Pacific, unlike Europe and the Middle East, CANSO conducted a webinar on alphanumeric call sign implementation for the region.  

The Asia Pacific CANSO Safety Workgroup has elected Tommy Au Yeung from Hong Kong CAD as a new Chair.

The Asia Pacific CANSO CEO Committee (APC3) adopted a conclusion for ANSPs to play an active role to safely deconflict ballistic and space launch/re-entry operations with civil aircraft in accordance with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and the Asia Pacific Seamless ANS Plan.  


"ATMB joined CANSO as a full member in 2018, from which we have embarked on a path toward pragmatic and diversified engagement with ANSPs around the world. ATMB is honoured to witness how CANSO, as an international forum, connects all stakeholders of the global ATM industry through information sharing, best practice exchange and innovative cooperation. What’s more remarkable is that, even in the toughest times during COVID, CANSO had never stopped trying to unite all ANSPs and stakeholders to weather through difficulties by hosting a series of virtual activities and events. 

The future of aviation development in the Asia Pacific is undoubtedly promising, as new technologies and new airspace users continue to join in to explore more possibilities for our future skies. ATMB eagerly awaits deeper and more extensive participation in CANSO’s endeavours and we expect to play a more robust role in contributing to the recovery of world ATM in the post-pandemic era. We look forward to joining hands with CANSO in shaping our future skies."

Miao Xuan
Deputy Director General
Air Traffic Management Bureau, CAAC


A big rethink has started – new possibilities for the Asia Pacific 

A crisis can be a watershed for positive changes and Asia Pacific air navigation services can potentially be much stronger going forward. The rethinking has started. 

CANSO has partnered with THINK Research Ltd to identify more regional collaboration opportunities arising from greater digitalisation, leading to a White Paper at the end of 2023. There is room for more digital solutions and new business models in ATM as they can offer alternative pathways to modernisation. This is a great equaliser. 

Collaboration is a word that is sometimes overused. We know the benefits of working together but the serpent in aviation’s Garden of Eden always leads us back to fragmentation. However, digitalisation can open more collaboration opportunities as there are fewer boundaries in the digital space. We can build an interconnected digital network through the invisible curtains separating us. 

An example is how the region can evolve its current Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM)  multi-nodal collaborative approach. It currently requires each ANSP to acquire its own ATFM system. This is both costly and manpower intensive. Potentially, we can have ATFM solutions provided virtually by a technology company for multiple users through subscription. Virtual region-wide situational awareness is now possible.  

Shared services drive down costs and connectivity drives up value. Connected aviation is a regional public good. What is required is a mindset change. 

To compete for mindshare, CANSO has been active in its advocacy in various forums such as the ICAO DGCA Conference, G20 Aviation Conference, IFATCA Regional Conference, AirShow China. 

We are thankful for the leadership and brainstorming at the CANSO Asia Pacific Operations and Safety Workgroups. We will continue to provide value to members. 

Our community is growing. CANSO is proud to report that Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia has joined as a new member, and Fiji Airports has also re-joined. 

We behold a new sky. 

Soh Poh Theen
CANSO Director Asia Pacific Affairs


The Asia Pacific CANSO Safety Workgroup has elected Tommy Au Yeung from Hong Kong CAD as a new Chair.

CANSO has been encouraging further enhancement to the ATFM approach in the region and organised a brainstorming session with AEROTHAI, Hong Kong CAD and CAAS to discuss the possibilities of upgrading the current multi-nodal collaborative ATFM.

CANSO partnered with THINK Research Ltd to study new ANS collaboration opportunities in the Asia Pacific arising from greater digitalisation. The aim is to accelerate modernisation of ANS in the region. The end product will be a CANSO White Paper and outreach briefings. 

The CANSO Asia Pacific Conference 2022 was successfully held in Goa, India. The theme was "Think Global, Collaborate Regional, Accomplish Local". The event received strong support from the Indian government and the Airports Authority of India. There was also good attendance and participation. The Conference was planned for 150 persons but 170 attended.  

CANSO Asia Pacific participated as a speaker in the G20 Aviation Conference in Bali, Indonesia, the Conference of Directors General Civil Aviation Conference (DGCA) in Seoul, South Korea, and the IFATCA Regional Conference.  

As the alphanumeric call sign is not widely used in the Asia Pacific, unlike Europe and the Middle East, CANSO conducted a webinar on alphanumeric call sign implementation for the region.  

The Asia Pacific CANSO CEO Committee (APC3) adopted a conclusion for ANSPs to play an active role to safely deconflict ballistic and space launch/re-entry operations with civil aircraft in accordance with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and the Asia Pacific Seamless ANS Plan.  


"ATMB joined CANSO as a full member in 2018, from which we have embarked on a path toward pragmatic and diversified engagement with ANSPs around the world. ATMB is honoured to witness how CANSO, as an international forum, connects all stakeholders of the global ATM industry through information sharing, best practice exchange and innovative cooperation. What’s more remarkable is that, even in the toughest times during COVID, CANSO had never stopped trying to unite all ANSPs and stakeholders to weather through difficulties by hosting a series of virtual activities and events. 

The future of aviation development in the Asia Pacific is undoubtedly promising, as new technologies and new airspace users continue to join in to explore more possibilities for our future skies. ATMB eagerly awaits deeper and more extensive participation in CANSO’s endeavours and we expect to play a more robust role in contributing to the recovery of world ATM in the post-pandemic era. We look forward to joining hands with CANSO in shaping our future skies."

Miao Xuan
Deputy Director General
Air Traffic Management Bureau, CAAC