Finding Alignment – Working Smarter 

The work of CANSO Africa was heavily focussed on creating alignment with regional partners and stakeholders in an effort to carve a clear role for CANSO in Africa. Our starting point was to look inwards through formalising our structures and work plans. In the last 12 months the AFC3 has approved Terms of Reference for all existing structures, creating a clear path on leadership structures and their roles and responsibilities.

In pursuit of member collaboration, CANSO held its first, post-pandemic, workshop for the workgroups. The in-person event was held in Lusaka, Zambia, under the theme: Beyond the pandemic – Collaborating for Safe and Sustainable Operations. This session assisted members to reconnect and reimagine the power of collaboration.

The next stage was to reach out to stakeholders with the same objective of carving out a role for CANSO while finding value for our members. In attending the fifth meeting of African Air Navigation Service Providers, CANSO became a critical stakeholder in delivering the revamped AFI Peer Review Mechanism. CANSO Africa also participated in the 25th meeting of the AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG) and other critical meetings under the banner of the African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC). These meetings provide anchors for aligning CANSO activities with AFI regional programmes. 

In an effort to enhance alignment with regional stakeholders, the AFC3 approved the nomination of “Stakeholder Ambassadors” to support the CANSO office in managing specific relationships with AFCAC (Aeronautical Charges Group) and IATA (AIM and ATFM Working Group).

Lastly, the AFC3 also supported the establishment of the CATS Global Council Vision 2045 Task Team of three members. These members will help the region align its activities with the Council’s global vision for the skies of 2045, identify the gaps, and create a regional strategic direction and roadmap.

Our structures are in place, our regional stakeholder relationships continue to improve, and now it’s time to work smarter and create more value for the members and the region at large.

Thabani Myeza
Director Africa Affairs

REGIONAL Highlights

The Operations Workgroup elected new leadership in Mr. Simon Zwane of ATNS as its new Chair and Mr. Zephania Sholobela of Zambia Airports Company Limited as its Deputy Chair. The Chair of the Safety Workgroup, Ms Loise Mwangi, stepped down in December with her deputy, and was succeeded by Mr. William Amoako of Ghana CAA at the beginning of January 2023. A new Deputy Chair will be elected in due course.

The AFC3 approved a new set of Terms of Reference and created a new role for the Deputy Chair. This will ensure clarity of succession and continuity. The AFC3 has since elected Ms. Nozipho Mdawe, CEO of ATNS as its Deputy Chair.

CANSO was invited by the ICAO regional office to present the CADENA/CADENCE South American experience at the ICAO AFI Free Routing Airspace Workshop.

CANSO attended the Airlines Association of Southern Africa (AASA) 52nd Annual General Assembly 2022 in Cape Town, South Africa, and the African Airlines Association 54th Annual General Assembly in Dakar, Senegal.

The CANSO Africa Conference 2022 was held in Dakar, Senegal, hosted by ASECNA. Attended by nearly 180 senior regional leaders and experts from across the industry, the conference had the theme "Recalibrating for Resilient and Sustainable Operations, A Path Towards a Seamless African Sky". Leadership from key stakeholders such as ICAO, AFCAC, AFRAA and ACI also attended the conference.

CANSO participated in the fifth meeting of the AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG). CANSO also participated by presenting updates on the Mombasa ATFM Roadmap and CANSO Green ATM at the Airspace and Aerodrome Operations (AAO) workshop, a sub-structure of APIRG.

CANSO held its first, in-person, Safety and Operations workshop in Lusaka, Zambia, with the theme: Beyond the Pandemic – Collaborating for Safe and Sustainable Operations. 

CANSO participated at the fifth meeting of the African Air Navigation Services Providers (ANSPs) which took place in Lomé, Togo. 


Finding Alignment – Working Smarter 

The work of CANSO Africa was heavily focussed on creating alignment with regional partners and stakeholders in an effort to carve a clear role for CANSO in Africa. Our starting point was to look inwards through formalising our structures and work plans. In the last 12 months the AFC3 has approved Terms of Reference for all existing structures, creating a clear path on leadership structures and their roles and responsibilities.

In pursuit of member collaboration, CANSO held its first, post-pandemic, workshop for the workgroups. The in-person event was held in Lusaka, Zambia, under the theme: Beyond the pandemic – Collaborating for Safe and Sustainable Operations. This session assisted members to reconnect and reimagine the power of collaboration.

The next stage was to reach out to stakeholders with the same objective of carving out a role for CANSO while finding value for our members. In attending the fifth meeting of African Air Navigation Service Providers, CANSO became a critical stakeholder in delivering the revamped AFI Peer Review Mechanism. CANSO Africa also participated in the 25th meeting of the AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG) and other critical meetings under the banner of the African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC). These meetings provide anchors for aligning CANSO activities with AFI regional programmes. 

In an effort to enhance alignment with regional stakeholders, the AFC3 approved the nomination of “Stakeholder Ambassadors” to support the CANSO office in managing specific relationships with AFCAC (Aeronautical Charges Group) and IATA (AIM and ATFM Working Group).

Lastly, the AFC3 also supported the establishment of the CATS Global Council Vision 2045 Task Team of three members. These members will help the region align its activities with the Council’s global vision for the skies of 2045, identify the gaps, and create a regional strategic direction and roadmap.

Our structures are in place, our regional stakeholder relationships continue to improve, and now it’s time to work smarter and create more value for the members and the region at large.

Thabani Myeza
Director Africa Affairs

CANSO participated in the Fifth African ANSP meeting held in Lomé, Togo. The main objective of the meeting was to review the status of implementation of various initiatives including the Peer Review Mechanism and provide a way forward for the African ANSPs.

REGIONAL Highlights

CANSO participated at the fifth meeting of the African Air Navigation Services Providers (ANSPs) which took place in Lomé, Togo. 

A Regional Focus webinar – Implementation of Safety Culture in Air Navigation Service Provision – created awareness and promoted the importance of building a strong, positive safety culture among CANSO Members in Africa.

CANSO Africa organised a webinar to introduce the CADENCE Operational Information System in Africa and explain the benefits it could bring to ANSPs and other aviation industries.

As part of its advocacy work, CANSO Africa participated in the 24th meeting of the Africa-Indian Ocean Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG/24) and the seventh meeting of the Regional Aviation Safety Group (RASG-AFI/7). The objective of both meetings was to show progress made by the region and CANSO presented three information papers and a working paper.

Planning for the Africa Regional Conference is starting to take shape, and we look forward to our first, in-person conference in three years, which will take place in Dakar, Senegal, in September.

CANSO Africa participated on a panel discussion under the topic "Public Health Events management in Aviation: Challenges and perspective" at the eighth Africa Regional Meeting of the Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA). Its objective was to facilitate the effective implementation of the ICAO and WHO requirements on the prevention and the management of public health events in aviation.

CANSO Africa was invited by IATA to participate as a speaker and presented the CANSO Africa 2022 Work Programme and Projects.

CANSO participated at the ACI Regional Conference and Exhibition held in Mombasa, Kenya.This conference was held under the theme: “A New Vision for a Resilient and Sustainable African Airport Industry”. The conference covered topics, including the main challenges facing African airports in ensuring resilience, profitability, and sustainability in the new normal as well as sessions on air transport viability, smart technology, commercial revenues, air cargo and air access liberalisation, amongst others.

CANSO joined the ICAO Regional Offices (ESAF & WACAF) and participated in the coordination meeting for 2022. AFCAC, African Development Bank, African Union Commission, Regional Safety Oversight Organisations and Industry Partners (CANSO, IATA, AFRAA, etc.) attended the meeting.


“In 2021, CANSO Africa launched the Implementation phase of the CANSO Mombasa ATFM Roadmap. In spite of the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, we at TCAA, decided to take on the challenge and work towards establishing Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) in our environment. As a result of this, we now have a CDM Framework that guides implementation of CDM and we are ready to share with other regional Members. Going forward we will share the lessons learnt with the region while creating a local centre of excellence for East Africa and beyond. For us, this is the advantage of being part of the CANSO platform.”

Mwanajuma Kombo (Ms.)
Civil Aviation Manager – Julius Nyerere International Airport, TCAA